We all seem to go through times of waiting for something and we get frustrated as God does not seem to answer. This has been my story over the past few months. Granted I waited 19 1/2 years for my precious wife to return and it could not be better! Praise the Lord! However God is working in such a way where He is saying to me, “WAIT Steve I am doing something in this time of waiting!”  Be still! Let me share some examples.

An invitation came from Egypt and I could not go because of my teaching schedule and so the organizers asked me to recommend someone else. Tom “Dr. Cue” Rossman popped right into my mind (Thank you Lord!) as about 8 years ago Tom came to New Jersey and donated a Dr. Cue Show to an Egyptian Youth group where I had been ministering. Tom just got back from Egypt and read some of his report below:

“Day 3 was another “AMAZING” day—I am not sure how to explain this whole experience in words, but I will try when I get back. Today the message of Jesus Christ rang across the compound area here in Wadi at each performer station (as they are called) and in the stadium arena where 8000 people experienced the evening worship service for 2 hours. Tonight a rough count from our performer/staff viewpoint high in the arena revealed over 500 people making the decision to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior in this predominantly Muslim country. God’s protection kept us safe during the 3 days. Add Egypt to your prayers as God is doing a great work……….”

Another example involved an invite from our dear GTS friend and helper Diane Romano who works with disabled vets in Orlando, FL. Diane asked if I could come and donate a GTS show. I could not attend at the time and then our dear friend World Champion Mike Massey’s name came up and he “happened” to be headed to Florida. Again God was faithful as Mike did a fantastic show to honor the vets. Plans are now under way to include Tom, Mike and myself in an Orlando Vet Event some time in August 2011, Lord willing. 

Yet another example included our dear friend and GTS helper Jason Lynch who is also an accomplished trick shot artist and traveled with me to Africa this past summer. Jason and I have been trying to connect for GTS outreach all over the world working with (OM) Operation Mobilization where we have 10 countries identified as excellent for possible pool/billiard ministry outreach.. Well again things apparently were not connecting but in the meantime two very important things did occur. One was that “Dr.
Cue” and Jason this past month worked together at a fundraiser in conjunction with (FCA) Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Additionally I had an opportunity to meet with an administrator of OM right here in NJ while he was home visiting for Thanksgiving. By the way friends—Happy Thanksgiving to all and thanks for your prayers and support!

Oh and three more “little” blessings in this season of waiting! I did not get to leave my home area here in Northern New Jersey but the Lord opened up opportunities on two campuses locally to serve as advisor to newly formed billiard clubs at Kean University and (WPU) William Paterson University. These opportunities came as a result of working with (IVCF) InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at WPU and Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) at Kean University. Finally I must mention that these local opportunities happened after I started attending a revival prayer meeting literally 300 yards from my home in Haledon, NJ.  God has been so faithful to expand His work on pool tables in this time of waiting. Lately the Lord has had me to “be still” and work in my backyard which is where I began with GTS some 14 years ago. How about you? If you are chomping at the bit for something to happen, open your spiritual eyes and look around and see how God is working!

By the way—MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our GTS friends and supporters and may the peace of God rule in your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus! We appreciate you!


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    Steve Lillis is a professional trick shot artist  who tells God's story in billiards to audiences worldwide.


    December 2010

